Hello Everyone
We are very pleased to be able to bring you the latest news letters from Donnison School Heritage Centre and Living History North East.
We have packed the issues with the latest news and articles and hope that you enjoy reading these. Remember we have a Heritage Action Zone event this Saturday - we are open for our Summer Fayre too, so hopefully we will see you there for a day everyone can enjoy.
Note: If you wish to make a donation for the tombola, stalls etc. we are open on Friday from 10.15 - 4pm. All donations gratefully received
Please remember, if you no longer wish to receive emails from us you can be unsubscribed by letting us know.
Best Wishes Alan Cummings Volunteer Donnison School Heritage Centre Website: http://www.donnisonschoolheritagecentre.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/donnisonschool Twitter: http://twitter.com/donnisonschool