Recommended Links and sites

Sunderland Maritime Heritage
Unit 2, Church Street East
Phone number 0191 5102540

Local stroke survivors, carers and medical professionals share their personal and powerful experiences of stroke, and showcase the results of a project that has been part of a two year journey. The project recruited a group of core participants, volunteers and interviewees as well as 10 children from a local primary school. This project developed a creative partnership, bringing arts, heritage and health professionals together and the voices and experiences of those affected by stroke.

Sunderland Museum and
Winter Gardens
Burdon Road
Sunderland, England, SR1 1QB
United Kingdom

Banyan Arts
Banyan Arts delivers multi modal Expressive Arts workshops to encourage healing, wellbeing and rehabilitation for all. We also use a range of creative experiences to provide a space to connect and share stories of struggle and strength to promote greater understanding of different situations.

Sunderland’s Voices Captured is designed to help us remember all aspects of the city during these unprecedented times and to be thankful for the good that has been brought into our lives.
We know the devastating impacts the pandemic has brought to our lives. Everyone in the community has been affected in some way by COVID-19. This is a space where you can remember, whether you have lost a loved one and want a space to share their lives and the impact they had on the world or a neighbour has gone above and beyond to help you. This virtual book of memories is here to help, we want to hear your stories.
Sunderland Voices Captured

Built in 1719, the building was Sunderland's Parish Church and served as a Civic Centre too.
Extensive renovation has taken place and it now serves as a very active community hub with many events and functions including weddings.